Monday, October 24, 2011

Do grade schoolers need technology to suceed? From ESchoolNews

Two news stories on Sunday painted starkly different pictures about the use of technology in teaching, learning and communicating.
In The New York Times on Sunday, Matt Richtel wrote another installment in the “Grading the Digital School” series, this one about the Waldorf School of the Peninsula in California: “A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute.
Yes, that’s right — a school in the heart of the Silicon Valley, whose student body consists of the children of some of the techiest people on the planet, where computers are off limits. As one of those parents says: For the full article please go here.

1 comment:

  1. In schools, different types of technology help students learn in unique ways. Some types of technology that aids us in learning are laptops, Promethean boards, calculators, cameras, cell phones, and e-books like the Nook or the Kindle. Below are some examples of how they can help, or even hurt, students in the process of enhancing their knowledge.A certification
