A shaky economy has left schools grasping for much-needed dollars wherever they can be found. But affordable and effective technology products exist, if school leaders know where to look and how to invest in solutions wisely.
With the generous support of Samsung, we’ve compiled this collection of articles, along with other relevant materials, to help you learn how get the most from each dollar you invest in ed tech.
On this page you can find several different articles detailing technologies that can be used in the classroom to further enhance learning.
Please go here for the listing of articles
When we talk about technology in education the first and foremost advancement is the computer and internet. If a student has the Encyclopedia of Britannica or Microsoft's Encarta Encyclopedia on his/her computer, he rarely finds himself in a library or even on the internet. But for those who don't have these encyclopedias have the entire world of internet information at their finger-tips.School of technology